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Awesome work.  Had the Right feel!

Awesome demo, really similar to the aesthetic of Danganronpa! Keep it up. I'm hoping it will be one of the best Fanganronpas out there.


I love it so far. As much as I love the concept for hangman's gambit, I wish there was a way to rotate so you could at least have a chance of taking out the enemies behind the letters that you don't need. That's the only issue I had. Maybe if you could move around with WASD and attack in different directions using the mouse or something like that. 

I loved this game! its characters are amazing and I think I enjoy them more then mainline (cough v3) characters. The only problem I have with this is something thats already been said, the hangman's gambit. Now don't get me wrong I love the concept and how its mostly played out however I feel the enemies are a bit too strong with a "one hit kill". maybe with a three hit kill for the enemies I'd actually enjoy it.  Also I just love monosock


does anyone know the estimated release date for the first chapter???


at a time

The people behind this project wanted to show off what they can do, so they made a quick demo for us to play. The main game is still on its way. But will take a long time!


Too bad it isn't for Mac :(


This was really good and I was enjoying it a lot until Hangman's Gambit. I tried a few times and gave up. Really promising, but please don't go with that as your final game mechanic. Also if you're looking for any help in writing, I've done writing for games before and I'm pretty good at characters, their dialogue and their development. What are you using to make this game?  It runs really weird on my computer. I'm assuming it's just preliminary, so I'm not going to count that as a criticism. All in all, this game has a lot of promise and I enjoy where it's going, but again, please instill some kind of anti frustration features with Hangman's Gambit or something. Or at least a way to skip it if you don't want to change it.


You should make the game an android games as well like the first danganronpa game did.


I agree. It would be really cool.

so um after a while of downloading this game when I open it I just get a black screen , is there something I can do to fix this???

I get this too other comments say to  wait awhile

It just means its loading, you have to wait a while. Normally its around 5-10 minutes ;w;

I am confused. I tried to download it but it takes me to a wip page. Does the demo cost money?

It doesnt actually. There must have been a problem while you were trying to download it

My pc cant play the demo because need a 32 bits version

Is there going to be an android demo, for this?

(1 edit) (+2)

here's a bug I think: when I tried using my PS4 controller for this, I kept pressing X at the controller screen and nothing would happen for whatever reason. Not sure if this is happening to anyone else, just a nitpick because I suck when playing with a keyboard.

Anyways, this demo is very promising for what's to come in the full game! I've never seen a fan game with this much high quality! Can't wait to see more of this :3

Dunno if the game got an update but, with my PS3 controller connected via USB (using SCP), the game does register that I'm using a PS controller without any trouble.


Monosock can wrap themself around me any time they please...

Er, great demo! Very high quality fangame from what I've seen so far, thanks for the opportunity to try it

The demo was nice. I'll be keeping an eye on this.

So good. Can't wait to see the full version.

Harsh knock. XDDDD


You can do projectile theory four.


(1 edit)

     The Demo looks very promising. What I enjoyed about the experience was that the characters have very different personalities and they are all designed in their very own special ways and they all are drastically different from each other. Of course, some of  these characters complement each other; this works well at creating a flow in the dialog and with so many different characters, there's tons of different opportunities each conversation and debate can take. This cohesive design in characters makes me really optimistic to what is to come from this game.

Now on to the critic - 
     I feel like without voices, the debates seem very stale, especially when the dialog stays on screen for a bit longer than necessary. I know it is not the easiest thing to get voice actors for each character but even some different tones in noises they make can give these characters more life. You can look at animal crossing as an example, the characters don't have to say actual,understandable, words to be understood; the characters just speak in this gibberish language, but they do so in different tones and that gives you a sense in the characters and gives you more to associate with them. 

     Another thing that doesn't really bother me but I just want to question is why the Focus meter takes a long time to run out even on mean? It just doesn't seem too hard to hold down the space bar for about 8 seconds and progress pretty far with little to no risks. It would be more challenging if the focus meter would run out a lot quicker so you'd have to strategically conserve your use of the ability. I'd imagine this meter would take even longer to run out after having access to perks you could unlock in the full game. 

Other than that, I feel like the game has a lot of potential and I cannot wait for the full release.

Thank you for your time.

P.S: I really like what you did with the Hangman's Gambit and how the game is pretty self aware of the original series and it's flaws. Please do more fun and creative stuff like this.  

P.S.S: I was just brought to my attention that the game is casting for voice actors so I am even MORE excited to see what the game turns out to be in the full release. GOOD LUCK!

On a side note, the villagers in Animal Crossing New Horizons actually try to say words. There are letters done by text-to-speech put together messily that doesn't sound like a word, but if you slow it down, you can actually hear them speaking. The words are put together letter by letter and sped up and pitched heavily, but most of them is made by the same "bot", with just a different pitch/speed.

The demo was amazing in so many ways! He has the same scent of Danganronpa games and it was a lot of fun! I just hope that the plot won't be as a typical Danganronpa Game. I mean, the saga of Danganronpa is really unique and fun but there are so many holes on the plot and sometimes repeats a lot.

The only thing that bothers me it's that tecnically I can't play on windowed mode. Even when I choose the windowed it's like I'm playing full screen and doesn't let me do much more on my computer. I think that's need to be fix, unless for the players who prefer this mode.

For the rest, it's a really cool demo and I hope the final result will be the same. Keep up this amazing work!

Okay, so this Demo is amazing, I actually enjoyed it a lot, the game made me laugh sometimes too! (That doesn't happen very often).
The art is amazing and I like the character design.

I want to mention Hangman's Gambit too, it was really fun! It was NOT boring at all.

Also, I want to mention a weird bug that happened to me. The music would suddently stop at random and would not start playing until a new song played, so that's kind of weird. Also, in MY personal opinion I find that the nonstop debate is kind of slow, the text stays there for a longer time that I actually needed, but that's just a personal opinion.

Overall I had a GREAT experience, I want to play this game as soon as possible! Good luck with the project! :)

I really enjoyed the demo! I was a little confused initially on how to start the game up but for anyone who's wondering, you're supposed to use your keyboard's arrow keys and move to 'OK.' I've never played a Danganronpa game before so the instructions were helpful and I liked the Hangman Gambit minigame. Can't wait till it's fully released!

I would love to give my voice to one of the characters in this fan game, this is an excellent game the visuals are awesome and the characters are interesting.i personally love hangmans gambit, the little spaceship reminds me of Chiaki and its fun to play. I do hope i will be able to give my voice to one of these interesting characters

Wow, this demo is really amazing! Thanks to YouTube trailer now I am here and want to see the full game as fast as possible. Kinda sad the demo was released not so long ago so it's time to turn on my hatiko mode(((

And I should agree with all guys in previous comments who talked about voices needed in this game.  Now it is just 10/10, but when the characters speak It definitely will be 100/10.

Also I  was wondering if you are going to translate the demo (and maybe the whole game in the future) to another languages? I was lucky to play only because I know english, when my fellows from russian fandom are usually bad at reading visual novels with tonne of text in different language. If you decide to make a localisation I would be glad to help with russian one. I believe It's the same for all players of your demo whose native language isn't english. 

Thank you for your hard work!

On that note, I can help with the Swedish one too. Just finding this and looking around, it looks pretty promising. I speak fluent Swedish and English, and would love to help, as the original Danganronpa doesn't have Swedish, but it'd be fun to see, even if it was a fan game lol.

Lol i swear to god that the trial topic it was going to be about the academy, it seems i was wrong


It opens to a black screen and I can't do anything, does someone have a similar problem? 

Help me please. 

I did at first, but just had to wait a while. Then it opened to an options screen where my mouse disappeared,  and I couldn't click anything. 


That's not a bug. All you need to do is use the arrow keys to move and the enter button to select.

No Deja descargarlo

I'm really dumb (and new to the site) and I can't find where to play/download the game! if anyone can help that would be lovely I really want to play

it should be back up now!

ah, so it is! thank you :)

It opens to a black screen, then an options page (in which my mouse disappears and I can't do anything). But I did watch the demo on youtube, and it looked pretty cool. Is this project looking for VA's?


you guys should ask for people to give their voices for this game, played through this demo and it's amazing and i think that giving the characters a voice would add a ton! good luck with the rest of this fangame and i hope it goes well!!

The first time that I saw the opening, I thought it was an oficial game. You are so amazing. I have a doubt: Are you going to accept if someone wants to help you to translate the game or make a fan-translate (or patch) to spanish?

the tech demo is too big for my tiny 4:3 screen


Hey, I just played the demo of the game.  It's really good, and if you need any voices for the game, I'd be willing to freely lend my voice to  a character in this project.  Mainly I'm looking for a way to support this project.  Once again, this is a really good game so far.

every time I try to extract the zip file it say 2 files are corrupted...

it wont let me install it and it deletes the game


This is the best fanganronpa I've ever seen. A lot of times it feels you like you get style but no game play (Things like YouTube projects) or game play but no style, however you brought both to the table and blew me away. Cant wait for more. 

Kept on saying "Zip: Unsupported compression algorithm" Not really a wiz with computers so can anyone help me solve this problem?


this talks about the issure you are having, don't know how much it will help though since there aren't many answers there but you can give it  a shot

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