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Is there any way to transnlate it, I would like to translate it to portuguese Brazil


I just played the demo, I super excited for the full game! This really has potential. I've played DR1, DR2 and I'm in the middle of DR:UDG. I can't wait for this, and the new ways to do the class trial makes it even better.

The file is opening in 7 mins and I'm HELLA EXICTED!!!

I'm too broke to play the real games so here I am :'D

it's not letting me play

(1 edit)

All it shows for me is a black screen does anyone know how to fix  that?


How do you start the trial? I pushed every button but I'm still stuck between the main menu and the monophone

So i'm downloading this and it hadn't finished yet but I looked at some of the stuff and I love it- And monosock is so cute-

does anyone know the engine used to create this game? I'm also working on a fangame and I am quite curious as to what engine they used to create this high quality work

It's Unreal Engine 4

I cant see my mouse when i try to play it what should I do?

It's possible that you aren't at a part yet where you need to use the mouse. If you can, try to use the keyboard.

Sorry, this is late haha

But if you can't see the mouse, I guess you don't need it in that moment.


its cause you dont need it


Keep up the good work, guys.

I've played the game yesterday, streaming it to some friends who also are Danganronpa fans, and we agree on some of the feedback we discussed afterwards. We would love to share it with you in the event it gives you another point of view.

The Good:

- The small bullet next to the text in the handbook indicating which bullets are in play is a great addition.

- Characters have properly distinct personalities and behaviour.

- I've played using a Xbox controller and it was a great surprise to see working support for several controllers already implemented.

- It runs technically well, game was fluid through all of the demo.

- Giving the player control over the video/audio settings.

The Neutral:

- The art of some of the designs look as if they were truly canon characters from other canon game... whereas others give the look that they are not yet there. With all due respect and looking to only offer feedback, some examples:

  • Characters that look from a canon game: Lizzy (My fav already), Molly, Ellis, Jane, Ryu, Oscar, Cherry, Ava, Athena.
  • Characters that look like they're not there yet: Old Tanya, Penelope, Booker, Ray, Nate, Teo, Wallace.

- The phrases during Nonstop Debates are dynamic and give a good feeling... but they would require a stronger stroke around them or more antialiasing as sometimes the font doesn't look fully smooth.

- The remixes of the songs are truly great... but the Nonstop Debate one requires a more intense feeling to it, whenever the Nonstop Debate started you don't feel anxious or eager to discover the weakspot, you just go into it to read. Specially in DRV3 the NS Debates themes are a mess of well coordinated instruments that throw you into it, they are intense and the way they start make you pay full attention.

- It's neat to go for original characters with original personalities... but we all agree our inner weeb is kicking in and the English names don't make us feel the same. For some reason I personally feel as if some of them have hidden jokes and doesn't allow me to take them fully seriously.

- We all agree you can see the influence of some of the canon characters in some of the poses of the sprites, there is nothing wrong about it. (Referring to your twitter post about non-tracing sprites)

The Ugly:

- Took me five tries to see what was going on with the Silencer mechanic and how small the bullet is.

- During the second NS Debate, Wallace says something along the lines of "It's strange nothing happened between you two" which you can agree with, and so I did with Ryu's account, only to be met with a fail. Then once you agree with Ryu with his account, you literally talk about how "It's strange nothing happened between you two". Statements should have a single clear unequivocal path that is not talked about immediately afterwards through some other choice that could have been another right answer.

- We all agree that Monosock just... doesn't make us feel anything, could be due to the silly topic of the demo.

- Just in case, we all agree too that relationship/sexuality drama should be kept to a non-canon demo and away from the game itself. It shouldn't drive any of the chapters of the game in any way.

- The declaration of the Hangman's Gambit being more fun than the one in the canon game... well... I have to disagree here, we all agree the minigame needs more polish before you could claim that:

  • Chiaki's hairpin as the ship is a really cute touch.
  • Going for a completely original minigame is a great choice, some danmaku is always welcome.
  • A way to see what the question you were asked was while in the minigame, maybe when you focus as you need to read. Being able to read the specific question is a must.
  • Spawn protection doesn't work well, you should make it longer and stop the spawn of letters and enemies while it happens. It was common to spawn/render in into a bullet and instantly die again.
  • Pressing the button X on my controller made me explode, lost several lifes trying to see what was going on.
  • A boss spawning should stop other letters from spawning, maybe other enemies altogether, it was common to shoot at another letter while trying to shoot at the boss and thus lose a life.
  • It is not well linked how losing lives inside the minigame makes you lose your trial HP.
  • Small enemies are too small and take too many hits (three), I would cut it down to two, there is not much space to maneuver around and they will always shoot at you before you can send three shots in. It is not clear in the tutorial explanation what these small enemies are, I expected sprites as thick as the ones with a letter, but without it.

All this feedback is given to you with our best constructive wishes and strength so you keep going with the project. We wish you see all of this feedback with good eyes and it doesn't discourage you. We wish you the best luck and thank you for your hard work!

The game is safe but it won't run on my pc

Is this safe? My computer said that it could be dangerous to my computer so..?

it's safe! i think you're talking about that thing. it happened to me too, just click 'run anyway'. (idk what it yours says, my computer isn't english sorry!!)

Nope it's safe


If anyone needs help trying to install it or having problems,  please reply to my comment.

My computer says that its dangerous for my computer should i download it?

thats just windows (or whatever your os is) being like "oh everything is dangerous because I don't know who the creator is" because someone told me you have to pay to like copyright it or something? idk anyways is safe.

This game won't run on my pc

how much GB of RAM does this game need ? i only have 4GB

(i speak french so the words might not be the good ones)

Whenever I open the game, it just gives me a black screen.

How do I select things

It says that it's not safe for my computer and it doesn't say "run anyway" or something it just says "Don't run"

there should be like a underlined text forgot what it says but a run anyway button should pop up when you click it

Im taking this because i cant play the real gams-

My internet is garbage

I can't play and now I am sad


 I am afraid that the game launches but it stays with black screen and nothing happens. Do you perhaps know the problem? Is it caused by my lack of proper technology or is it something else?

Deleted 3 years ago

same :(

I know how its fixed, did u extract ur files yet?

making space for this


put this on mac PLLEASE

I have been noticed

The trailer was amazing! :D

I am really looking forward to the game! 

the trailer was freaking amazing!!!!


oh god I really wanan fuckin play this BUT I CANTTTTT

OMG the trailer was amazing and i love this demo i cant wait!!!!


First of all, I am a super-duper-ultra-mega Danganronpa Fan and this was just perfect. I really liked the characters and all. It is very obvious that you followed the simple prinsibles of the orginial series. I really really enjoyed playing it.

What I especially liked:

-The best feature that you guys have added but nots in the orginial series is that you can see a little bulled icon next to the evidence that current is on your revolver. (I am sorry if the original series had it or not but this is really cool either way)

-Athena McCabe has that Byakuya Togami feeling with her pose

-You followed the original art.

-Cool characters with different genders/races/heights/weights/ages etc.

-Everyone has a different personality

-It has this kinda 'f-you' feeling, the characters have likes for some and dislikes for others. This really makes you feel the relationships in the game and make you feel like you are in the game.

What I think it should be improved:

-The hangman gambit is a cool idea but I am not 100% sure it fits the game. Eventhough I like it, found it kinda hard but thats the cool side(I only play on Mean-Mean modes). If you can add a really cool music to behind like the non-stop debate music of cool(not the exact one but similar and cool to that) that would do it. It really missed that 'hype' feeling that you have all the trial. Also one more thing, I would like to be able to move while I am respawning. It does not have to be the full speed but I would like to position myself. Because sometimes so unlucky positions occur and that just makes the player feel irretated.

What I think you should add to the game that I didn't see in the demo.

-My FAVORITE part of the game is when someone blocks your argument. (Rebuttal Showdown). I really liked rebuttal showdowns because it gives the feeling and hype that conversations are not 1-sided, others can counter you as well. This really hypes me up, please do not forget the music, music is literally everything in rebuttal showdown. And it should take you by surprise, like 'I am approaching you, be ready' kind of surprise.

-The announcements. The announcements are the one of the most heart-rate exiting moments. I would really like to see them in the game. Also it makes it so much easier to make the player follow the story.

-I really liked the theme of the 'Logic Dive' and I belive you can actually upgrade it. I really do. The hangman gambit was creative, and I expect something creative for the 'Logic Dive' as well.

-Panic Talk Action. Of course since this wasn't a killing, rather just monosock's sexual preferences, I would like to see Panic Talk Action. It really gives the feeling that 'Aha! You are cornered, and I am coming for you, prepare your death, Mr/Mrs Blackened'. I really want to see this in your game

-Identify person. You know the 'Choose the person' thingy in the original series. I would like to see that because it gives an open feeling. That does not make you feel like you are walking a carved path but rather, you ARE carving the way.

-Spot selection. The spot selection feature is really cool i think and it is not used much for some reason. I believe you should put it to your game. It is like the 'Identify person' minigame, you get this free feeling of carving your way.

-CLOSING ARGUMENT, COME ON, I really really really want to see this closing argument. It is one of the most essential parts of the trial. You have that feeling that 'You did all these dirty things, and you killed one of your fellow mates just to be found. Sorry buddy, you are not getting away'.

-Executions. Every characters has an 'Ultimate', and their punishment should match perfectly with their execution. I am trusting you guys on this one because I know you all know that it is very very very important.

-Voice lines. You know in the trial the characters read THE EXACT sentences but when talking normally they just SAY A CLASSIC PHRASE. I want to see that. That makes me feel like they are real people and I am in the story.


This is overall really really really good. If I remember anything that I forgot to say here, I will fix it. 

I want to help you guys. Please if there is anything I can do, just contact

it wouldnt let me start the game :( it said error

During hangman's gambit i shot the last letter and got hit right after so I had to replay it, but the text box after I lost got stuck on screen. Although characters talked over it, it was stil there in the nonstop debate. Also i think i'd be good to have a button to view the question again in HG. 


Wow. It's... beautiful. Definitely waiting for the full release! This is the kind of fan made game that everyone respects. Keep up the good work!


Wow, something so cool and completely free?
Of course, I would like to be translated into other languages, but thanks for that.

е с другими людьми

I love this fangame, and am very excited to play the prologue =D

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, so first of all:

Wow, the demo was super smooth! Everything was pretty much floating over the screen! Of course, the background during the trial wasn't that detailed yet, but the menu and interfaces we're already looking really good! Also, the menu being a phone that is held up during the trial looked pretty nice.

It is hard to believe, this is actually a fangame. And the hangmans gambit really was pretty good. It felt natural and I liked the reference!

Although I have to agree with some of the critisism. The non-stop debate right now really has a weird pacing and the silencer has a very small hitbox, which can be a little bit annoying. Also, the hangmans gambit is too difficult for a first class trial in the game. It fits better for the second or third one. The hangmans gambit boss enemy also appears way too fast. If you just miss the letter you need once, it will directly appear, which can be very stressful in the actual game and...well that's about it, I guess.

One thing that was really putting me off though are the super different character proportions. Looking at this sides banner, it really is hard to overlook and during the game, the shift between the characters sometimes felt pretty weird due to their proportions being drastically different from one another. For example, Ava and Ryu have somewhat comparable sizes, but Athena for example is shown way bigger. It feels like every character had a differnt designer working on it and they never even tried to get on the same page with their characters proportions.

But like I (hopefully) already said, it is only prominent in the banner. In the game, the characters are scaled the same.

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to the game and I'd love to get to know the characters better!

 - Harv

Not bad! Awesome Demo

Nice demo! I love the UI and the graphics are beautiful, didn't have many problems with controls. Looking forward to the prologue.

When I tried to open the game my screen turns black and only my cursor is visible. It doesn't turn back to normal unless I restart my pc. Please help!

It was a cute demo.

Small Bug: The button you press to start the class trial doesnt appear for me

Also got this, only the background appeared but I could still select things and guessed where the button was. Only happened once though.

when I closed the window my computer screen went black and i don’t know how to fix it

This demo was awesome!! I absolutely LOVE the character design and the game has such  good gameplay!! The only thing I would change though is the background for the Hangman minigame, since its a bit hard to distinguish the bullets being shot at you and the stars in the background, otherwise, im absolutely going to stay tuned to check out more progress!!

this was really fun! i like all of the characters and the UI is GORGEOUS. it Feels like a proper DR game which i really appreciate. i can't wait to play the full version!

overall it's a good demo. i do have a few criticisms - first, the reticle not spinning felt weird, personally. Also wish there was a way to adjust the brightness. The silencer was also sorta lackluster. other than that though, i really enjoyed this and can't wait for the full game.

This was really fun! Id like to play the full version! Does anyone know when its coming out? I cant wait!

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